GUIDELINES VOCABULARY: Remailer: it can be an actual remailer, a pinger, a link provider or any individual body willing to participate and provide the informations (and found worth being scanned) MetaPinger: it can be an actual MetaPinger, or a mere individual looking at one "Remailer Description" after the other Remailer Description: it is the set of formatted data which describe the remailer operations the "goodies" that are offered any information for which a "keyword" has been accepted Keyword: unique identifier for a piece of information in a database, it would be called a "field name" RULE #1 It all works on a "voluntarily" basis -Remailers who don't want to leak information about themselves don't have to They just drop the corresponding keywords in their "Description" MetaPingers just have to cope with the fact that not everybody wants to tell everything -MetaPingers who don't want to collect specific information don't have to They just skip the corresponding keywords Remailers just have to cope with the fact that not everybody is interested with what they want to tell -MetaPingers who think they know better can always override remailer-supplied (not-suplied) by stuff of their own Still, basic courtesy is recommended (i.e. do not leak personnal info that the owner wants to keep discreet) RULE #2 "Remailer description" must be both machine-readable and human-readable (keywords and data should be pseudo-significant for a non-expert human) RULE #3 "Remailer description" location must be convenient for both remailers and non-remailers (IOW: no need to recompile anything) In case of multiple locations for a single remailer, info should be identical (IOW: better opt for only one location) RULE #4 There should be no ambiguity about a keyword meaning/content But in case an ambiguity appears, the non-ambiguous keyword should be enforced ASAP For compatibility reason, former keyword should probably be kept for the "most common" acception of the keyword. It is recommended to think of such problems before proposing a new keyword There should not be 2 different keywords for same piece of information. RULE #5 Besides ambiguity issues, anybody is entitled to propose any new keyword, English-looking. There might be no remailer to provide the corresponding info, or no MetaPinger to collect it though... There is probably a need for some centralized file (or universally accepted understanding of): "keyword" <-> "keyword meaning and parameters" Minimum requirement is "Keyword" and "Keyword Description + parameters" but a sample of "how to use keyword" is probably welcome to help understanding Additionally, people will often propose a whole group of keywords, with shared interest RULE #6 Maximun scalability is the rule for information behind a keyword MetaPingers' first move will probably be to convert the all-purpose general format to the various formats they need for the information they are really after, for each specific application