Jack B. Nymble v2
sam., 19 juin 2004 22:25

Cypherpunk Stats

Mixmaster Stats

Cypherpunk Chain Stats

Active Cypherpunk Stats
Generated: Sat 19 Jun 2004 20:24:17 GMT
Cypherpunk   Latent-Hist   Latent  Uptime-Hist   Uptime  Options
amessage     710212101000   1:05   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR G ATE IN5
cthulu       710002110000   1:00   ++++++++++++  100.0%  D R    TEUIN3
freedom      D21112111101   2:58   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR G ATEUIN9
frog         000000000000    :02   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PRHGXATEUIN9
bikikii      842223327224   2:50   +++++++++++9   99.1%  DPRHGXATEUIN1
cripto       711012110101   1:02   +++++++++++9   99.1%   PR G  TEUIN1
edo          822123235122   2:14   +++++++++++9   99.1%  D R G  TEUIN 
futurew      74111311A111   2:07   +++++9++++++   99.1%   PR G  TEUIN 
george       711112111111   1:07   +++++++++++9   99.1%   PR G ATEUIN 
antani       811123112212   1:39   +++++9+++++9   98.2%   PR G  TE IN 
chicago      602202100000    :58   9++++9++++++   98.2%  D R G  TEUIN5
dizum        811113111111   1:18   +++++9+++++9   98.2%   PR G  TEUIN0
hastio       A12213232211   2:08   +++++9+++++9   98.2%    RHGXATEUIN9
lemuria      811113112111   1:29   +++++9+++++9   98.2%    R G  TEUIN5
panta        843367443334   3:54   9++++++++++9   98.2%   PRHGXATEUIN9
paranoia     6111121A1111   2:03   9++++++++++9   98.2%   PR G  TEUIN2
senshi       922334323223   2:43   +++++9+++++9   98.2%  D   GXATEUIN2
starwars     811112111111   1:09   +++++9+++++9   98.2%   PR G  TEUIN 
italy        222012220020    :53   7+9+++++++++   96.5%   PRHGXATEUIN1
bigapple     833217510000   2:11   +88++8++++++   95.6%   PRHGXATEUIN0
frell        BA767898A465   7:20   +++++9+++++6   95.6%   PR G  TEUIN9
amigo        7100121111B6   2:56   9++++++97++9   94.8%  D RHGXATEUIN1
lbrtynws     B43335454663   4:27   +8++9+8998+8   91.3%  D R G ATEUIN 
citrus       A32B34233332   4:15   +88+5+86+++8   86.2%  D R G ATEUIN 
hermes       723234324222   2:33   7889+8+888+8   85.3%  D R G  TEUIN 
zerofree     A11973123121   2:55   6+89+88+68+8   83.6%  D R G  TEUIN 
harmless     A23254322121   2:43   96+9679+778+   82.7%  D R G  TEUIN9
kroken       B36445321252   4:08   888+98988697   81.8%  D R G  TEUIN5
riot         B78998888776   7:56   98887898+6+7   81.8%  DPR G  TEUIN9
krotus       41221332411?   1:49   7+9+88+87560   72.4%  D R    TeUIN 

Legend - Back To Top

Active Mixmaster Stats
Generated: Sat 19 Jun 2004 20:24:17 GMT
Mixmaster   Latent-Hist   Latent  Uptime-Hist   Uptime  Options
cripto       711112110010   1:03   ++++++++++++  100.0%   PR G  TEUIN1
lcs          A11002100000   1:21   ++++++++++++  100.0%    M         9
cthulu       710012110000   1:00   +++++++++++9   99.1%  D R    TEUIN3
dizum        821112221111   1:20   +++++++++++9   99.1%   PR G  TEUIN0
frog         000000000000    :01   +++++++++9++   99.1%   PRHGXATEUIN9
futurew      83111211A101   2:06   +++++9++++++   99.1%   PR G  TEUIN 
paranoia     7111121A1111   2:11   +++++++++++9   99.1%   PR G  TEUIN2
starwars     711012111001   1:08   +++++9++++++   99.1%   PR G  TEUIN 
amessage     610102010000    :55   9++++9++++++   98.2%   PR G ATE IN5
antani       822223111211   1:46   +++++9+++++9   98.2%   PR G  TE IN 
chicago      402202100000    :47   8+++++++++++   98.2%  D R G  TEUIN5
edo          822213234222   2:10   +++++9+++++9   98.2%  D R G  TEUIN 
freedom      D21102111011   3:01   +++++9+++++9   98.2%   PR G ATEUIN9
george       801112110111   1:09   +8+++++++++9   98.2%   PR G ATEUIN 
hastio       C22223232221   3:00   +++++9+++++9   98.2%    RHGXATEUIN9
lemuria      821223211211   1:37   +++9+++++++9   98.2%    R G  TEUIN5
panta        A34357533434   4:02   9++++++++++9   98.2%   PRHGXATEUIN9
tonga        811012111111   1:12   +++++9+++++9   98.2%   PR      UIN 
bigapple     834215610100   2:15   +89++++++9++   97.4%   PRHGXATEUIN0
frell        B6675A666567   6:30   +++++9+++++6   95.6%   PR G  TEUIN9
italy        522022220120   1:18   8+9++9+++9++   95.6%   PRHGXATEUIN1
lbrtynws     A33235333333   3:14   ++89899++8+8   90.5%  D R G ATEUIN 
bikikii      932224336224   3:07   +++++976+8+8   89.6%  DPRHGXATEUIN1
kroken       A43365222222   3:11   9+99887++7+8   87.8%  D R G  TEUIN5
hermes       B33324334322   3:20   9887999+8899   86.2%  D R G  TEUIN 
harmless     933324223212   2:39   +698888897+9   84.4%  D R G  TEUIN9
zerofree     511173210111   1:38   8+8+977879+9   84.4%  D R G  TEUIN 
citrus       A32554235322   3:25   9+886899+996   83.6%  D R G ATEUIN 
amigo        411213121111   1:06   7++++9+46777   80.1%  D RHGXATEUIN1
riot         B7788A677759   7:43   987988687994   76.7%  DPR G  TEUIN9
neznayka     CBCABAA9BBA7  12:51   956794887793   68.9%  D R      UIN 
krotus       91211522410?   2:35   +58898778550   67.2%  D R    TeUIN 

Legend - Back To Top


The stats table shows the 12-day performance history of each remailer.
Pings (test messages) are sent to each remailer and response time is

Latent-Hist shows the average default response time for each day:
    0   less than 20 minutes
    1   less than 1 hour
    9   less than 9 hours
    A   less than 12 hours
    B   less than 18 hours
    C   less than 24 hours
    G   less than 48 hours
    H   more than 48 hours
    ?   No responses received / No data

Latent shows the average default response time in HH:MM format.

Uptime-Hist shows the Uptime percentage (responses received divided by
pings sent) for each day:
    +  100% (Responses were received for all pings sent)
    9  90-99.9% (About 9 responses were received for every 10 pings)
    1  10-19.9%
    0  0-9.9%
    ?  No pings sent / No data

Uptime shows the average Uptime percentage for 12 days.

Options shows an abbreviated form of the remailer's capability string:
    D       middle (Remailer is middleman and chains to other remailers)
    P       post (Supports news posting (Anon-Post-To or Post)
    M/R/2   mix/remix/remix2 (Supported Mixmaster features)
    H       hybrid (Supports CPunk directives in Mix messages)
    G/2     repgp/repgp2
    O       pgponly (Requires Cypherpunk messages to be PGP encrypted)
    X       ext (Supports extended directive features)
    A       max (Supports Max-Size, Max-Count, and Max-Date directives)
    T       test (Supports the Test-To directive)
    L       latent (Supports the Latent-Time directive)
    e/E     ek/ekx (Supports Encrypt-Key/-3DES,-CAST directives)
    U       esub (Supports the Encrypt-Subject directive)
    I       inflt (Supports the Inflate directive)
    N       rhop (Supports the Rand-Hop directive)
    #       klen - The digit indicates the maximum message size:
                9   Max is greater than 900K 
                8   Max is less than 900K
                1   Max is less than 200K
                0   Max is less than 100K

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