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Cypherpunk + Mixmaster Remailers Statistics

+ Proggies + Links + Stuff

This page was initially meant only to be the Index to the Frog Remailers's 10 Statistics pages.
    Those 10 pages are automatically generated lists of remailer reliability statistics.
    They include:

Version 1 Cypherpunk H T
MixMaster H T
Version 2 Cypherpunk H T
MixMaster H T
Chain  H T

Let us not forget the KEYS, in varied formats to accomodate all clients.

.pgp .asc .pkr .asc .lis .mix

Pinging is performed every 2 hours for direct pings, on a 3-12-days basis for Chain.
Upload is performed every 60 minutes
Keys and Capability-Strings are checked daily

The above information (Stats, Keys) is also available through Frog's Finger Capabilities

You may also want to know of Other statistics Sources (raw as lately uploaded from my JBN stats page).
But that "All Pingers' Index Page" has more links, information, and touch.
And now, I also provide significant comparisons between pingers: Frog's MetaStats Page

If you don't know how to collect interesting information from above into your client, or if you are stuck:
Maybe you should start with my Client Configurations for LES Dummies.

Do you want to extract/submit a PGP key ?
Of course, you know the Remailer's Keys

You may also want to download a few programs: PGP, Mixmaster, Potato Software, other proggies (some from me...)

Do you want to know the Internal Data of your favorite remailer, including configuration or graphical load analysis ?
Do you want to visit the Tecfnical Pages about Frog ?
Unless you want to browse in the whole Graphical DataBase of the remailer's Load.
Maybe the Peak Loads of Frog and Azerty might be of interest ?

And, until I have a decent links page, the obvious must-go is:

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