Frog's Support for News

Mail To News


The mail2news is typically accessed through an anonymous remailer (Frog or any other remailer).
Actually, it could be accessed through any mail server.
You just got to understand that no anonymisation is performed by the mail2news.

What matters besides the 'To: ' is the presence of a 'Newsgroups: ' header, and a 'Subject: ' is probably welcome.

The addresses in 'To: ' are
-- (your 'From: ' header will be preserved)
-- (your 'From: ' header will be doctored)
The usual variants, aliases for, are accepted (i.e.:,,...)
The 'To: ' can actually be a 'CC: ' or a 'BCC: '
The parsing-style 'To: ' are not supported.

The 'Newsgroups: ' header looks like:
-- Newsgroups: alt.privacy.anon-server,alt.privacy
that is to show it is comma-separated
Don't abuse crossposting, that is a sure path to the bit bucket

The 'References: ' header is the one which is important for follow-up

If you want to follow-up to
-- Message-ID: <bbb.bbb.bbb@bbb.bbb.bbb>
Then you must insert a header which says:
-- References: <bbb.bbb.bbb@bbb.bbb.bbb>

If you want to follow-up to:
-- Message-ID: <bbb.bbb.bbb@bbb.bbb.bbb>
-- References: <>
Then you must insert a header which says:
-- References: <> <bbb.bbb.bbb@bbb.bbb.bbb>
That is:
-- the most recent the most on the right
--blank separator (or none)
--you can happily suppress the oldest (leftmost) references

Your NewsClient generally does that job for you (it is totally transparent)
Your Remailer Client does that job once you copied full headers to clipboard.
--e.g.: to copy from Outlook Express and follow-up with JBN:
.......... OE|Ctrl-F3|Ctrl-A|Ctrl-C| ... JBN2|Ctrl-U|

Reading Capabilities

You were told is a write-only device, you silly twit!

Posting Capabilities

Frog's mail2news is connected to upstream NewsServers which claim to allow posting to 100.000+ newsgroups.
Frog's mail2news will accept a post if it is posted to at least one of those 100.000+ newsgroups
.... (trick: crossposting to alt.test if your bizarre NG does not exist...)
That means that your post will:
-- show on both Frog's NewsServer and Frog's WebToNews
-- Frog's server will try to propagate it to upstream NewsServers
-- percolation through multiple interconnected upstream NewsServers will hopefully bring your post everywhere on Earth


Various anti-flood measures are enforced, at Frog's and at *all* the NewsServers on the path to the NewsClients.
Frog's NewsServer and Frog's WebToNews will allow to check that your post made it up to Frog (or NOT)

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